Versitle blogger award

versatile-bloggerI was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by matriarchofnerds on her personal blog This is my first award, and I was very honored to receive this as I had never expected to win anything doing this. So an honest and heartfelt thank you to matriarchofnerds for nominating me and for being one really awesome person and blogger.

Ugh now the “RULES”

Show the award on your blog. √
Thank the person who nominated you. √
Share seven facts about yourself. √
Nominate 15 blogs (doing 10 for now, still new) √
Link your nominee’s blogs & let them know. √
Seven Facts About Me (that you might or might not already know from my blog writing) √

Seven facts:

  1. I have had 3 biological children in my life, one has passed, one the mother disputes is mine so no contact and the third (actually the oldest) I put up for adoption.
  2. When I left college I was involved in calculus, physics and psychology, a far cry from where I am today
  3. I am a Navy veteran, been around the world 4 times
  4. I grew up a very spoiled, very shy person who only did what he was told…..HA grandma check me out NOW..
  5. I would rather read the same book 10 times in a row then one bad book once
  6. I haven’t owned a television in about 4 years
  7. I spent 3 years as a vegetarian, due to this I cannot eat meat off of a bone or I get sick

My Nominations (I can only do 10 atm)

This was difficult for me as I don’t yet follow a whole lot of blogs and the ones I do follow are pretty “OG” so they have been there done that in terms of awards.  So here are my nominations in no particular order, regardless of seniority.

Also I understand not everyone is into the whole award thing, if a person I nominated declines the nomination I completely understand,

  1. sheila sea poetry
  2. misanthropy misunderstood
  3. orthodox sunflower
  4. Haikugirl’s Japan
  5. be like water
  6. bdhesse
  7. fred colton
  8. Shawn L. Bird
  9. cats, crafts and chaos
  10. Insight Outward

Even though these awards are just “handed out” it still means a lot to me having been thought of highly enough for one of my peers to have nominated/awarded me with this.  Thank you everyone for what you do,  remember “Wherever life takes you, always be you”.

6 thoughts on “Versitle blogger award

  1. You deserve this for having such a unique thoughtful blog. I’m glad I left sunflower for you to nominate 🙂 I had just started following her blog when I did the award thing, but now I’ve been reading it a lot more. I love her blog. She’s a great writer with posts that either make me wanna cry or give me chill bumps. You both deserve this recognition so much.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. LOL. You’re not the only one. Summer Sunflower is my kid, and I still get confused sometimes. I’ll click on orthodox sunflower’s blog many times when I’m meaning to look at my daughter’s blog. 🙂


  2. Awwww Matriarch!! You don’t know how much your words mean to me! (check my latest post, you’ll understand) I saw your kids blog and I was like: Hey, who took my flower?? hahaha!!


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