Blogging from the heart

When I started this blog I did so without any real idea of what I wanted to do with it.  Some people may say that was a mistake but I decided to do  it because I knew I wanted to write, I didn’t know what I wanted to write about.

In the beginning

I started out with the initial thought that maybe I can cover a wide range of subjects from social media, health, everyday life, technology and many others not allowing myself to get seated with writing about a particular subject all the time.

It just seemed to me at the time that only writing about a single subject or topic, Technology for example, would get old after a while.  So I went with a bit of a randomized style blog.

What I’ve realized

I came to realize that while it was a great way to not get bored with what I was writing about, but it also had the distinct disadvantage of giving too much choice as often find it difficult to have something to really blog about.

So then I feel that I have to find my voice, a reason to write and to share, a reason for others to engage with me as a blogger and as a person.

Blogging from the heart

So I have been considering that perhaps the best thing to do is to offer something that no one else can.  By sharing my own thoughts, feelings, opinions and experiences within my own life and blogging from the heart I can only hope that there are people out there who can relate to what I experience and how I feel about things.

I want to share my life with others and have others share with me.

4 thoughts on “Blogging from the heart

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